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Have you ever heard a great band and thought to yourself, "Wow, this band would sound GREAT in my living room!"  Well, we did...


Upcoming Shows:


November 12th I Dave Kellar Band - Tickets 


December I No Shows


January 9th I Two Crows for Comfort & Megan McKenzie


February 1st I Dana Cooper


March Date TBA I Mississippi Blues Band


April Date TBA I Luke Bella


May TBD I Secret Announcement!



Additional shows TBA.



*Attention musicians: we are booked through May 2025. 

Please inquire about dates June 2025 and onward.

Nov 12 House Show EB   (2160 x 1080 px) (1).png

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Past House Show Artists - Click to Follow



Have you ever heard a great band and thought to yourself, "Wow, this band would sound GREAT in my living room!"  Well, we did...


Who doesn't love seeing a good show, laughing together and being inspired through great art? We know through our own experience that house shows provide an intimate, welcoming space for artists and fans to engage in a meaningful way. We know how important it is to get that one-on-one with an artist where they are invited to tell their story and fans can interact on a personal level. We know how important it is to have someone listening.


Simply put, the best shows are house shows.


It was over coffee and “kitchen sink” cookies at BREW in Five Points when we (Pam, Joel & Dennis) agreed to take this crazy house show idea and breathe life into it. We’d been hosting impromptu shows for about two years off and on but decided it was time to put everything in one central place with a clear vision for the future. We owe a great debt of gratitude to all the musicians who inspired us, local venue owners who promote local music, the original Rain Dogs crew, the “Glenstock” junkies and all of the wonderful music supporters in our our community. Simon Sinek says, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it...” and we think he’s on to something.


What We Believe:


We believe in connecting fans with artists in a meaningful way by creating one-of-a-kind experiences. By developing authentic connections and encouraging one another through shared values in music, storytelling and art, we aim to make a positive impact on our world at large.


We believe that through the power of story, human connection and musical experience, we can build a deeper sense of love and understanding in our communities.


We believe that unlike traditional venues, the home is more personal, much like the song of an artist. Both invite you in.


We believe in a low overhead model for artists (your house!). 


We believe that everyone should walk out of a show with merchandise in hand, smiling because the artist handed it to them.


We believe quality trumps quantity on  every metric.


We believe everyone should be included, heard and that every story is worth sharing.


We believe that you should be a part of that story too.


See you at the next show!


          With gratitude and loving kindness,

                               - Pam, Joel, Dennis 




Community matters, live music matters, and business partnerships keep the lights on for those of us in the arts. Sponsoring a show starts at  sends a strong message to our community. A very special to all of our past, present and future sponsors! For more information, contact us!









Whether it's event day tasks like set-up, break-down or shooting great video and pictures, we would be grateful for your talents!​ We also have street teams in the real world as well as online to help promote our shows. Word of mouth is key, we need YOU!


Interested in hosting? Let us know! For a great resource on House Show basics from one of our favorites, check out Bradford Loomis' page by clicking here.


And if you wish to donate cash to the cause, we won't stop you! We hope to use any extra funds to eventually file for non-profit status, cover the small overhead of hosting and give back to our artists and community. Please note, that we are not a 501c(3) organization currently.


Fort Defiance








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